What Every Chef Should Know About Caviar

What Every Chef Should Know About Caviar

Cecilia Estreich Dec 3 , 2015

At Baldor, we’ve been selling caviar since we were the small wholesale branch of iconic Greenwich Village retailer, Balducci’s.  After being in the game so long, we take our sturgeon roe very seriously.  So, when it came time for us to team up with a caviar house, we were not messing around. 

Enter Caviar Russe.  Not only do these guys source caviar fit for a Russian Czar, but they also operate a Michelin starred restaurant. We asked owner, David Magnotta, how to buy, store and serve caviar.  In addition to providing a wealth of information, he also left us with some caviar service philosophy that we couldn’t wait to share.

1. Selection
While there are many varieties and price points to choose from, this basic terminology will help you make your selection. For a list of items that
Malossol: Simply the roe of sturgeon that, when lightly salted in the age-old Caspian tradition known as "Malossol", becomes caviar.
Osetra (Acipenser Gueldenstaedtii): These eggs are firmer in contrast to Beluga and have a nutty flavor. Golden Osetra caviar is a rare form of Osetra that is golden yellow in color and has abundantly rich flavor.

2. Storage
Unopened caviar will keep for 7-10 days in the coldest part of your refrigerator. Remember—a little leakage from an unopened tin is normal! Once you open that tin, be prepared to serve it all.
Service Commandments

3. Be yourself
David loves a formal caviar service as much as the next guy. But, if you don’t run a restaurant where the waiters wear cummerbunds, there’s no need to serve your caviar in Waterford Crystal. Instead, design a service that reflects your restaurant’s identity.

4. Consider a caviar supplement
Not everyone has the clientele to sell a $150 caviar service. But, most diners will consider a more affordable supplement for special occasions. Even if you do serve the 1%, it’s a smart move to offer a supplement to ensure that your caviar moves on a consistent basis.

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