Tom Cat Bakery, New York, NY

My Hands, My Bread, My Company.

About Tom Cat Bakery

Tom Cat Bakery began with one Chef's passion for authenticity. We make authentic French, Italian and specialty artisan bread 24 hours a day and deliver it within hours of being baked. We've been doing it for over 30 years, since 1987. Located under the 59th Street Bridge in Long Island City, with now over 57,000 square feet, 1 city block to bake and deliver New York City's best bread. At Tom Cat we pride ourselves on Service & Quality. Tom Cat treats all its customers as business partners and we earn their trust everyday. Our job is to make the customers job easier and help make their business successful. Tom Cat's bread is on the tables at New York's Four Star restaurants and it's most famous hotels. It is also used at leading sandwich chains and offered by other great partners like Baldor.

Order By Delivery
Monday 3 PM Thursday
Tuesday Saturday
Wednesday 3 PM Saturday
Thursday Tuesday
Friday 3 PM Tuesday
Saturday Thursday
Sunday Thursday



Tom Cat Bakery

"Bread sets the stage for everything that follows."

Chef Anthony Bourdain